Friday, November 18, 2016

Happy Birthday, Eucalyptus

To the Most Ganteng Eucalyptus Tree on Earth,

You know I am such a mess in creating a surprise, so here I am, writing all things popping up in my mind when I’m thinking about you. I know that this would never be able to defeat lot of things you’ve already done to me.

From the first time we met, I know I should spend my life with you because only for one reason: You made me laugh. 
And until now you still do, no less.
It has only been a short time since we started seeing each other, but I cannot imagine my life without you.
With you, I always feel loved. How can I compete with someone who give me such an overwhelming love?

So from now on, I would like to tell you that:
I would love to hear you singing event though you cannot carry a tune,
Or listening to you snoring so loud when you fall asleep,
Seeing you eat a lot of sambal, so spicy, it makes my stomach hurts :))
Smelling your perfume when we cuddle,
Keeping up with your kerempongan on my everyday,
Having you as my Imam when we’re praying,
Listening on your plan for our future,
Laughing when seeing your grumpy face if something disturbing you,
Taking care of you when you're sick,
Cooking you more and more food so you always full,
And loving you wholeheartedly in anyway I could.

Sometimes I feel very mad at you but at the same time, I just wanna cry on your shoulder. Is it love? Well, I don’t know, I’m always a beginner when it comes to love. But from what I understand, love is when the way you eat and sleep and laugh and walk and even fart could always successfully fascinate me. I hope you feel the same way too.

Lastly, I feel like being with you makes me a better person, and I thank you for that. Here’s to this birthday and the ones to come!

Let your birthday as lovely as you are. You may grow old, so let me grow old alongside with you. 

Next year would be a total different life for both of us. Again, happy 28th birthday, sayang. I wish you nothing but an endless happiness, joy, and health. 


Your Koala

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